Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

18 Juli 2011

New class, new classmate, new teacher, new lesson, and new activities. The first time I looked my class, I felt my class like a "hell". It's very dirty, very messy and I don't like my class very much. I want move from the class. I want clean class and have friends who help each other. All students protested with their new class. I don't know why, may be they had the same reason with me.
I'm very scare if in the class in meet with dangerous teacher. I think I will hate my class until i pass from this school. I want my old class, I loved my old classmate. Although they are selfish, but they cared with each other.

I was never like this before. I want cry, I hope God will give me a miracle. I want close my eyes and when I open my eyes , I will in my old class. But I know , it will no happen. What should I do now ? Stay in here or move and get better class. If i move from this class, I will lose my best friends . I'm very confuse, I need someone who can help me to out of this problem.

I think I should stay in this class and try to be the best . I promise with my parents, I will study hard and get rank. I believe God will help me if I have effort and a great desire. You can Rizka, I know it. Good luck :)

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